This Funeral Changed How I Feel About Weddings by Elizabeth Felicetti Many clergy will admit they would rather perform a funeral than a wedding. I used to be one of them.
The Year After My Dad’s Death Was the Best of My Life by Alyssa Limperis Assuming I was promised a century, I never worried about throwing away a decade. Watching my father die changed that -- for the better.
11 People You Meet in Hell by Erin Donovan Minimizers, vultures, happy morons, competitors at the Sad Olympics and other people you’re bound to encounter on your grief journey.
How Hummingbirds Lightened My Grief by Jacqueline Dooley When my daughter died, I hated the sun for rising without her. I wept as the world turned green and flowers burst open. But the backyard birds were a different story.
An Ice Cream Truck at the Funeral by Sarah Troop And 6 other meaningful ways to incorporate food — and cocktails — into a memorial.
Years On, Unpacking That Last Box by Li Yin After my boyfriend died, I clung to his things as a way to stay close to him. Eventually, I realized I didn’t need to.
How To: Write Your Story by Jessica Handler The author of a guide on writing through grief helps you get started on the essay or memoir that's stuck in your head.