Candid conversation about grief. Beginners welcome.
By Modern Loss
Published on January 29, 2018
My Landlord Died From Cancer While We Sheltered In Place Together
By Faith Holloway in My Loss, Personal Essays
What it felt like to watch her slow, surreal demise during a slow, surreal moment in the world.
Grief Is My Neurodivergence
By Elizabeth Kopple in My Loss, Personal Essays
I had trouble relating to my son's ADHD – until my muddled mind schooled me after his sudden death.
Chemo Stole My Dad’s Hearing. Then, My Daughter Heard Her First Sound.
By Evan Wolkenstein in My Loss, Personal Essays
Our family's circular journey through cochlear implants, loss, and good vibrations.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay After a Stressful Political Outcome
By Melanie Brooks in My Loss, Personal Essays, Slider
I'm struggling to keep bleak thoughts at bay after the U.S. election. But grieving now is the best gift we can give to ourselves and our communities.
Kids Who Die – and Their Families – Deserved a Second Term
By Becky A. Benson in My Loss, Personal Essays
A longer, healthier, carefree life is something most of us take for granted, but one that many parents can’t fathom.
5 Truths No One Tells You About Disability and Loss
By Gina DeMillo Wagner in Features, My Loss
The narratives are more expansive and nuanced than we let on.
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