Candid conversation about grief. Beginners welcome.
No Unfinished Business?
By Angie Dalfen
I’ll never know what my father would have thought about my life choices — the ones I would have asked his opinion about and the ones I wouldn’t have.
‘Are You Sitting Down?’
By Cindy Augustine
It doesn’t really matter. There’s no good time or place or way to hear bad news.
Mourning the Father I Never Knew
By Cara Paiuk
My dad is dead. But when a friend loses a parent, I can’t honestly say that I understand what he’s going through. Here's why.
Visiting Dad on Google Street View
By Bill Frankel
Before Dad died, Google cameras captured him — healthy and happy — tending his yard. For years after his death, I visited him frequently in cyberspace.
Guilt: My Constant Companion
By Sara Nachlis
After my father died of ALS, my grief has come in waves; my guilt, however, never seems to subside.
The Reverse Midas Touch
By Abby Sher
After losing my father, two aunts and stepfather in quick succession, I became convinced I was cursed.
Modern Loss’ Grief Reads
By Modern Loss
Some Modern Loss-approved essays, articles, radio shows and multimedia features taking on loss and grief of all kinds.
What’s in a Namesake?
By David Sax
After my wife's father died, all eyes were on our baby to lighten the burden of our grief.
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