Two years ago, we pressed play on our big Internet project. Then, we looked out for how much of the e-spaghetti we’d boiled in the form of candid personal stories on the grief experience would stick to the digital universe wall. And then, something wonderful happened: all of you helped us to become a little site that could.

Rebecca and Gabi celebrate in soft candlelight.
So we are thrilled beyond words to announce that we’ve signed a deal with Harper Wave (a HarperCollins imprint) to write a Modern Loss book!
Our mission has always been to take our conversation offline, and we’ve done that through several events, including our panel at BinderCon LA and our #LossInSix evening with such wonderful storytellers as Catie Lazarus, Mathew Rodriguez and Katie Rosman (we’ll be sharing their stories soon). But we’re especially excited to work on a huge print project with a publisher who deeply connects with our goals and audience.
We’ll be sharing more as we dive into this new project, and promise to do everything we can to do you proud. But our site is still going to be going and growing, so please keep sharing your stories, how to tips, advice questions, praise, and criticism, or just say hi.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to everyone who has provided support during these past two years — our talented writers (especially the ones that didn’t even consider themselves writers before submitting their stories!), columnists, contributing editors, interns, advisors, members of the media, and those offering everything from design work to moral encouragement. We’re incredibly grateful for your support and engagement.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, regardless of how you spend the day.