Candid conversation about grief. Beginners welcome.
Saying I Do, and Saying Farewell
By Niva Dorell Smith
Eleven days after marrying the love of my life, I stared at his lifeless body and said goodbye.
Across the Pond, a Lesson in British Mourning
By Judy Batalion
A North American transplant, I'd spent years trying unsuccessfully to master British restraint. Never did I feel more at home as an expat than at my first British funeral.
Between Death and Goodbye
By Mark Liebenow
Before my wife's body was taken away — and her final organs harvested — I was able to spend a few precious moments with the woman I loved.
Fighting White Privilege, Grieving My White Mother
By Amy Mihyang Ginther
The problems with international adoption are many. But I cannot reject the mother who raised me — especially in her absence.
The Words We Couldn’t Say
By Megan Birch-McMichael
As my daughter grew inside of me, my best friend's pregnancy ended in stillbirth. Comforting her felt impossible.
Home, Not Home
By Nikki Reimer
After my brother died suddenly, everything about my hometown felt all wrong — until it didn't.
Living a Year as if It Were My Last
By Barbara Becker
As my childhood friend was dying of cancer, I embarked on a 365-day experiment in living.
Letter of Last Resort
By Judy Bolton-Fasman
Had I unknowingly destroyed my father's suicide note all those years ago?
Not So ‘Crazy,’ After All
By Janet Reich Elsbach
How my sister’s cancer death changed the way I approach my own health care choices.
Dorm-Room Mourning
By Ruby Dutcher
After my mom's death, my dorm room was an embarrassing place for grief.
What Mom Would Have Thought of the Kardashian Clan
By Kate Spencer
I missed my mother at my wedding, and at the birth of my children. But the real reason I wish she was still here is to discuss reality TV with me.
From a Distance
By Julie Satow
Sixteen years after my brother’s suicide, keeping his memory alive finally feels less a burden — and more a privilege.
My Father, Myself
By Sloane Davidson
On the anniversary of Dad’s death, I honored him by spending a leisurely day, uncharacteristically, alone.
Mourning the Dad Who Walked Out on Me
By Laura La Sala
My dad walked out on me when I was nine. All grown up, I decided to find him — only to find out he was dead. Here's how I mourned.
Those Final Moments
By Jennifer Richler
When I think about my mom, much of the time I recall not her life, but her horrific death while on an island vacation.
A Race Against Time
By Suzanne Leigh
Throughout my daughter's illness — and in the aftermath of her death — my treadmill has been a loyal companion.
From My Inbox, a Grim Reminder
By Becky A. Benson
The school district emailed to remind me about kindergarten registration. The thing is, my younger daughter died two years ago.
Gold Star Widow
By Artis Henderson
At my first Memorial Day conference for military families, I found kindred spirits among the brokenhearted.
Forever ‘The Girls’
After my husband died, my best girlfriends didn’t know what to say to me. But their presence that Memorial Day was more important than their words.
Mayday on a May Day
By Kaili Joy Gray
Approaching the fourth anniversary of my husband’s death, my one constant was not knowing exactly how I’d get through it.
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