Candid conversation about grief. Beginners welcome.
The Virus Before and The One That Came After
By Melissa Gould
Time has helped ease my grief over my husband's death, but my grieving hasn’t stopped. The world, it seems, has caught up with me.
My Relationship With My Dad Changed After My Mom Died
By Paris Rosenthal
Here's what I learned about embracing a new dynamic with a surviving parent.
12 Diverse YA Books That Taught Me About Grief
By Alica Forneret
I turned to the genre for a distraction and got so much more.
6 Ways to Support a Grieving Teen
By Shoshana Berger
They might act like adults, but they're still kids. A short guide to helping a teenager grappling with loss, from normalizing their feelings to remembering all those firsts.
My Mom Wore a Sari So That I Could Run for Congress
By Saira Rao
Memories of her valor, grace, and sense of self spurred me on during a campaign filled with racism and sexism.
Writing a Book With My Mom Kept Her Memory Alive
By Marisa Bardach Ramel
Now it's time to say goodbye (again).
8 Steps to Writing a Loss Story with Your Child
By Caron Levis
Books are a safe way to explore big feelings. Here's how to write a tale of loss and grief with your child.
10 Ways to Overcome Grief-Related Anxiety
By Claire Bidwell Smith
The author of a new book offers her step-by-step guide to managing the monster sibling of grief.
6 Grief Books That Actually Helped
By Tré Miller Rodríguez
After my husband died, people gave me a lot of books about loss. Most didn’t speak to me. These did.
We’re Two. And We’re Writing a Book!
By Rebecca Soffer
Our exciting new project with HarperCollins, and a thank you from Rebecca and Gabi.
Tears and Tequila in Tinseltown
By Ruby Dutcher
A novel imagines a safe haven for young widows and widowers in the City of Angels.
Babe in Prison-land
By Deborah Jiang-Stein
Born to an incarcerated convict and taken from her as an infant, I mourned a mother I can't remember.
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