Candid conversation about grief. Beginners welcome.
Welcome to New York
By Brooke Siem
Suddenly worth half a million dollars through the dumb luck of my dad's death, I rooted myself to a new and unfamiliar home.
How I’m Dealing with Climate Grief
By Ruby Dutcher
Sometimes I'm grateful my mom is dead—she gets to avoid witnessing the devastation on Earth. Getting involved in climate justice has given me hope.
The Perverse Pleasure of Grief
By Sarah McColl
I was repeatedly told to 'get over' my double losses. Instead, I reveled in their depths and heights.
Twitter for Eternity
By Lara Ziobro
I wish I had more letters from my mother, more time with her, more everything. What I do have, though, is her 16.7K tweets.
New Year’s Resolutions for the Emotionally Infirm, the Crushed, and the Weary
By Kate Inglis
4 ways (and more) for grieving souls to cut themselves a break in the new year.
Unmet Love
By Andrea Syrtash
I never ‘met’ the babies I lost, but I love them.
My Brother’s Christmas-Themed Funeral
By Gina DeMillo Wagner
Alan lived with a rare genetic disorder that made him unpredictable, child-like and full of wonder. When he died at age 43, his memorial service was unique as he was.
The Christmas Anthem I Needed To Hear
By Diane Shipley
I spent years avoiding the favorite song a friend lost to suicide. But last December, I listened anew.
The Good China That Will Outlive Us All
By Gina Luongo and Rebecca Soffer
After my mom’s death and my sister’s suicide, the dishes they left behind are newly sentimental.
A Year of Grief, 15 Seconds at a Time
By Ryan Langer
After my dad's murder, Instagram served as both my grief counselor and a surprising professional outlet.
‘Smad’ and Other Words Born of Grief
By Fernanda Santos
In the year since my husband died, there have been many lessons — and a few new vocabulary words.
A Therapist Says Goodbye
By Pat Blumenthal
We are not ‘friends’ with those we treat. But many of our patients make a very deep and lasting impression on us.
Cable News (Support) Network
By Karen Conner
The year after my husband died, Mika, Rachel and Lawrence kept me company.
Letters To My Dead Mother
By Gina Rich
I’d imagined these words, penned on the anniversary of Mom’s death, as an emotional storage unit for my grief — only to realize there’s no such thing.
Grief Bacon: Breastfeeding Through My Grief
By Jesse Anna Bornemann and Rebecca Soffer
After Dad died, my body felt numb, but my breasts soldiered on.
Why I Didn’t Post About Grandma’s Death on Facebook
By Jasmine Cole-Marrow
It felt like something that I was supposed to do, but it wasn’t something I wanted to do.
Traveling the World With My Daughter’s Ashes in Tow
By Becky Livingston and Rebecca Soffer
In Ireland, alongside an empathic stranger, I watched Rachel's cremains scatter with the wind.
Had My Dog Come Back as a Squirrel?
By Carrie Friedman and Rebecca Soffer
My beloved beagle died, but he still seemed to inhabit our yard.
The Pittsburgh of My Dreams
By Geoffrey W. Melada
By day, I am aware that 23 years have passed since my father’s death. When I close my eyes, it’s a different story.
We All Have ‘That Ex.’ Mine Died.
By Emily Michele Warchot and Rebecca Soffer
What it means to lose somebody who isn’t your somebody anymore.
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