Candid conversation about grief. Beginners welcome.
I Became A Grandmother At Age 30
By Rachel Levy Lesser
My kids have no idea what they are missing by not having my mother around. So I try and make sure they don’t miss a thing,
When Your Pet is Your Lifeline
By Gary Virginia
My HIV condition progressed to full-blown AIDS, along with anxiety and depression. Adopting my dog forced me to focus on living.
The Undeniable Magic of Being Truly Noticed
By Emily Rapp Black
I was shattered near the end of my young son's life. An extension of true compassion was an act of grace like no other.
I’m an Urgent Care Doctor. A Year into the Pandemic, I’m Running on Empty.
By Thresia Sebastian
And yearning to regain a foundation of wellness amidst the relentless, endless layers of my grief.
How to Brush Your Teeth While Grieving in a Pandemic
By Mel Zee
I'm an ex-addict grieving my partner's sudden death. Thanks to COVID-19 isolation, all my comfort must come from within.
What a Pandemic Funeral Taught Me About Family
By Raj Tawney
I spent years distancing myself from relatives. When my uncle died, I found something that had been deeply missing in my quarantined life.
Letters From My Dead Mom in Animal Crossing
By Alex Shevrin Venet
We never meet the video game's Mom character, so my mind fills in the blanks with the face of my own.
Settling Into the Unknown
By Christopher Noxon
A year after the death of my son and stepmom, I found new understanding while selecting a memorial tree.
He Blinded Me With Zients
By Rachel Zients Schinderman
My family came to America to escape conscription in the Czar’s army. Today, my cousin, the Covid Czar, is trying to help save America.
My Father, the Pandemic, and Thoughts on Abandonment
By Emily Halpern
For nearly a year we were ignored by the people charged with our safety. From personal experience, I know the psychological toll will be significant.
The Virus Before and The One That Came After
By Melissa Gould
Time has helped ease my grief over my husband's death, but my grieving hasn’t stopped. The world, it seems, has caught up with me.
Things I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You About Your Funeral
By Caitlin Bitzegaio
From a TV anchor mourner to a dive bar 'post-party,' you really would've loved it.
Will I Be All Right Again in 2021?
By Cate Honzl
In 2019 my mom died. In 2020 we had a family suicide, a botched burial, and a catastrophic pandemic. Now, I’m looking ahead to 2021 — with (gasp!) hope.
‘Don’t Forget This Happened’
By Melanie Brooks
A COVID-era plea on World AIDS Day
A Person Is a World
By Beth Ain
My mother’s death was followed closely by the pandemic — creating this strange and still and endless space in which everyone is grieving something.
How the Modern Loss Holiday Gift Swap Sparked a Powerful Friendship
By Amy Henderson Riley and Joanne Zerdy
We were complete strangers who disentangled our lonely and complex feelings about grief together.
You Don’t Have to Be Festive if You Don’t Want to Be
By Leslie Gray Streeter
As a young widow, I'm used to the holidays sucking. I'm here to encourage you to fly whatever flag you need to get through this season.
Countdown to Forever
By Lauren DePino
Sydney, the dog my ex and I share, is dying. How do I say goodbye?
I Had a Miscarriage After IVF
By Chrissy Stephens
A year later, I still can't bring myself to try the process again.
How Day of the Dead Gave Me Life
By Madison Carrasco
Embracing the Mexican tradition helped me deal with my anger after my mom's death.
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