Candid conversation about grief. Beginners welcome.
His Beautiful Death
By Mira Simone Etlin-Stein
As my love lay dying beside me, I transformed our cold hospital room into a sacred space.
What If We Treated Death Like Birth?
By Jane Whitlock
We would play shower games like 'I will remember you every time I …' We would prepare a death 'nursery.' There'd be a great playlist.
Processing My Friend’s Death in the Sound Studio
By Mallory Kasdan
My podcast helped me work through who I am - and who I want to be - when I was questioning everything.
Dressing the Dead
By Sarah Ahrens
My mother-in-law and I were not close, but when she died I was tasked with this surprisingly intimate choice.
Triggered by a Celebrity’s Death? Here are 7 Ways to Care for Yourself and Others
By Rebecca Soffer
Public figures are deeply connected to our own lives and grieving their loss can be complicated. Here's a basic roadmap.
How My Dying Mom and I Learned to Meditate
By Jamie Kolnick
Ironically, a practice we'd always joked about brought us even closer together.
My Therapist Is No Longer a Phone Call Away
By Wendy Cowen-Smith
She counseled me through my young husband's death, through raising children, blending families, and so much more. Now she's gone.
Losing My ‘Naming Rights’
By Katherine Austin-Evelyn
A cousin named her daughter after my mom before I could.
‘At Least You’re Not Having Twins’
By Nicole Minutti
As a mother of twins, responses to my latest pregnancy announcement are all over the map. But amid a private loss, one remark cuts to the bone.
Disrupting the Funeral: 7 Innovations You Should Know About
By Tré Miller Rodríguez
From cremains pressed into vinyl records to photo-wrapped coffins, our columnist finds 7 suprisingly cool products no one wants to search for.
The Hungry Mourner
By Sarah Troop
From funeral biscuits to cemetery picnics to parsley crowns, here's how the world marks death with food.
My Grief is F*cking Funny
By Emily Rapp Black
Why I never pass up a chance to laugh my ass off. Especially when I'm grieving.
2020: The Year Mom Didn’t Live To See
By Cate Honzl
We made it past Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now comes everything after.
The Neverending Battle of Fall and Winter
By JoAnn Bacon
Charlotte, my daughter, was murdered at Sandy Hook. Here is how I cope during 'anniversary season.'
I’m Done Hanging Stockings for Dead People
By Madeleine Deliee
For the past 7 years, holiday decorations reminded me only of who was missing. This year, I said ‘enough.’
Tips For Getting Through the Holidays When You’re Totally Sad
By Erin Donovan
Maybe someday the season won’t feel like someone is taking a melon baller to my heart, but for now getting through it is about knowing what to avoid and what to embrace.
It’s The Worst Wonderful Time of The Year
By Holly Stayton
I'm heading into my first 'festive' seasonal stretch after my husband's death and have no clue what I'll do. Weirdly, that's ok.
My Bizarre Childhood Wish Showed Up in My Mom’s Cremains
By Shelby Forsythia
I found the one piece of her that didn't get scattered.
Are You There Dad? It’s Me, Samantha.
By Samantha Klein
Two years after my father's mysterious death, I'm finally embracing his life lessons as a way to live mine.
The Stoic’s Guide to the Holidays
By Matt Fisher
An emotional clam wishes he could take his own advice for enduring the festivities with loss.
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