Candid conversation about grief. Beginners welcome.
9 Funerals and a Wedding
By Kelly Haramis
We had so much fun watching our wedding video, until we realized that so many of the people who toasted us that day are dead.
‘Daddy, Daddy, Where Are You?’
By Lisa Paterson
After 9/11 my son asked for his father dozens of times a day, everyday — for nine years.
Cleanup in the Produce Aisle
By Deborah Greene
I was in Whole Foods when learned of my father's suicide. Going grocery shopping has never been the same.
Beyond Coincidence
By Sally Abrams
15 years after my father died suddenly, had he finally come to say goodbye?
Loss Squared In the City of Love
By Rachel Ricketts
After my mother's death, I departed for Paris with her ashes -- the same week of the tragic terror attacks.
A Father’s Day Sale for the Recently Deceased Dad
By Alison Zeidman
I keep getting emails from Bed Bath & Beyond reminding me that “It’s Not Too Late To Find the Perfect Father’s Day Gift!” But in this case, it kind of is.
Why I’m Jealous of Grieving People
By Nicole Ferraro
Dad died when I was 6, and life went on seemingly undeterred. All these years later, I find myself envious of those who have the chance to mourn.
Going Home
By Alyssa Limperis
After my dad's death, now it just feels like a house.
Love, Dad
By Laura Coward
On my 8th fatherless Father's Day, my dad found a way to send me a handwritten message from the grave.
Had I Sealed My Father’s Fate?
By Michelle Adelman
I'm a novelist and killed off the father character early in my first book. When my dad died unexpectedly soon after, I was wracked with guilt.
Was My Dead Ex Talking to Me From Inside the TV?
By Molly Tolsky
Was my dead ex talking to me from inside the TV?
Wishing My High School Classmate Had Made It to College
By Kaustubh Deo
I didn't actually share some deep emotional bond with my high school classmate that warranted being so broken up about her suicide. But I was anyway.
Life’s Too Short to Wear Beige
By Heidi Blum
I was a closeted gay woman surrounded by white-hued walls and yearning for my own colorful world. My sister's death changed everything.
Yes, You Should Binge-Watch Netflix Alone on Mother’s Day
By Nora McInerny
Cut yourself a break on Mother's Day — with or without a dead partner.
I Hate That Mother’s Day Rips Me Apart with Sadness and Guilt
By Nicole Belanger
I know it's cliché, but the holiday still knocks me off my axis.
My Ectopic Pregnancy Nearly Killed Me
By Jessica Barraco
I’d dreamed of having a baby since my mother died. Then my body betrayed me.
How To Bury a War
By Merissa Nathan Gerson
It begins at a New Jersey diner, and ends as the last Holocaust survivor in our family was lowered into the ground.
The Best Things in My Life Came From My Brother’s Death
By Natasha Noman
The best things in my life really did come out of my brother's death.
Why I Like Funerals More Than Weddings
By Rachel Amondson
"Four Weddings and a Funeral"? I'd rather watch "Four Funerals and a Wedding."
Dad’s Voice in the ‘Tower of Song’
By Erin Lyndal Martin
The last time I spoke to my father, the subject was, of all things, Leonard Cohen — the musician my dad believed brought 'punctuation to experience.'
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